MCPs for Image Intensifier Tubes

The main application of Youopto microchannel plates (MCPs) is night vision devices

Each plate consists of millions of ultra-thin conductive glass capillaries, each acting as an independent secondary electron multiplier. Providing two-dimensional electron multiplication capability, MCP is a critical component of image intensifier tubes.

These devices are designed to detect and amplify spatially organized fluxes of charged particles and radiation. Due to their high ion sensitivity, subnanosecond response time, and compact size, MCPs are also widely used in various applications such as time-of-flight mass spectrometry.

MCP properties determine parameters of night vision device to a great extent.


Each plate consists of millions of ultra-thin conductive glass  capillaries, each acting as an  independent secondary electron multiplier. Providing  two-dimensional electron multiplication  capability, MCP is a critical component of image intensifier  tubes.


