Tunable laser, butterfly package, 89 channels at 50 GHz spacing from  191.70 THz to 196.10 THz, 13 dBm output power, 400 µm polarization  maintaining fiber pigtail with ST test plug

 Full C-band tuning (89 channels at  50 GHz spacing) 

 High, flexibly adjustable output  power, from 9 to 13 dBm 

 Low power dissipation, typically  < 2.2 W at 75°C 

 High side-mode suppression ratio  > 40 dB

 Dark tuning by reverse biasing the  integrated optical amplifier 

 Compact, low-profile, hermetic  laser package with internal optical  isolator 

 Integral wavelength locker,  allowing stabilization to within  ±2.5 GHz over life, compatible with  50 GHz ITU grid spacing 

 Polarization maintaining fiber  pigtail 


 DWDM transmission systems 

 Tunable DWDM transponders and  transceivers 

 Dynamic provisioning and  wavelength routing in metro  DWDM systems 

 Optical packet or burst-mode  switching 

 Test and measurement