Youopto is participating in ECOC

  News     |      2020-12-07
        With a history of 24 years, Eurovision is the largest and most influential optical-communications exhibition in Europe. Visitors will be among the first to see the newly developed products. Each year, the exhibition is combined with the European Optoelectronic Communications Conference to expand the scale and influence of the industry, which has published more than 4000 research reports on the optoelectronic communications industry over the past 10 years. Exhibitors can meet with domestic and foreign buyers and business partners to discuss, evaluate and make purchasing decisions.
        The ECOC is an annual rotating platform to showcase new products and development trends in the optical fibre communications industry. The ECOC, which will be held in the 25th year of 2020, is a major gateway to the beneficial European market and provides an opportunity to fully explore the potential markets of European countries.
        As a domestic manufacturer of high-end optical devices, Youopto Technology Co., Ltd. also participated in the exhibition. However, due to the epidemic situation in Europe, the exhibition was held online and the enterprise information was displayed in the way of virtual booth
The way of visit:
1. Enter the Exhibition homepage: ECOC Exhibition 2020 | ECOC
2. Select EXHIBITOR A-z
3. Look for YOUOPTO
4. Enter the virtual booth